Deep Throat gets classification

The Indpendent on Sunday reports that the infamous porn film Deep Throat has been given an R18 classification which will allow it to be shown in British cinemas alongside the accompanying documentary Inside Deep Throat.

Unsurprisingly, this sticks in John Beyer’s craw.

Film classification is something that needs a thoroughgoing review. [Its history] has been to relax at every opportunity to accommodate every whim of film-makers.

The smut-campaigning Black and White Minstrels fan is probably worried that the film will provoke a rise in the incidence of fellatio. We find that hard to swallow.

14 Responses to “Deep Throat gets classification”

  1. G. Tingey says:

    We’ll just have to suck it and see, wont we?

  2. Andrew Nixon says:

    I was under the impression that R18 certificate stuff could only be sold in licensed sex shops, not shown in cinemas.

  3. Gareth says:

    Cinemas will be able to show it if they come up with some sort of membership scheme which people will have to sign up to in order to see it.

    Last year there was a French prono-film from the early 1900s which was given an R18 certificate & the cinemas had to create special membership schemes in order to be able to show it.

  4. Dan Factor says:

    Should film regulation cater for John Beyer and his band of anti “filth” crusaders? God no!

  5. Andrew Nixon says:

    I see now, makes sense I suppose. If cinemas are going to require some sort of membership scheme for this film, I can’t really see what John Beyer has to complain about. No one is forcing people to go and see it…..

    But I guess that’s not what Beyer and his band of goons are about.

  6. Christopher Shell says:

    Exactly: they have a social conscience. If they see someone about to cause harm to themselves, they won’t just walk by on the other side.

    To be a goon is to be a social misfit, unconventional, even a figure of fun. Who cares about being any of those three things. They just mean that you are different from the crowd. But for that matter all the best ppl are different from the crowd. When ppl are bullied, for example, it is not because they are bad but because they are different.

    Where the contets is a debate (rather than a school playground, whose laws are anyway only the pre-civilised ‘law of the jungle’) then what matters is not how eccentric or different ppl are but how right or wrong their points are.

  7. Christopher Shell says:

    ‘context’ not ‘contets’ 😮

  8. Edward Teague says:

    They did say fellation was a mouthful but for a real tongue twister try cunninlingus.

    Having see the fillum in Amsterdam 1978 (ish)I can say it is really quite funny ….well worth seeing for the visual jokes alone.

  9. Monitor says:

    Any argument that Beyer makes against the classification of this film is bound to be fellatious.

  10. Andrew Nixon says:

    This film actually did do me some harm. Aside from the time I wasted actually watching the piece of crap movie a few years back, the tape got stuck in my Video player and I had to fork out 50 quid to get a new one.

    Plus I can’t help frequently examining women to see if it really is possible to have a clitoris at the back of their throats. But that’s another story. 🙂

  11. Andrew Nixon says:

    That’s a new video player, by the way, not a new copy of the film……

  12. Adam Bowman says:

    I fail to see how society loses out if there is an increase in the incidence of fellatio.

  13. tom p says:

    Those not getting any will be more jealous than previously

  14. Adam Bowman says:

    “Y’know, I could murder a Cadbury’s flake
    But then you wouldn’t let me into heaven
    Or maybe you would, cos their adverts promote oral sex”

    -Half Man Half Biscuit