Ofcom censures BBC for Live 8

Ofcom’s latest Broadcast Bulletin (pdf download) reveals that the BBC were “in breach” over their screening of rude words during the Live8 concerts last July. During the broadcast of this charity event, Snoop Doggy Dogg said “fuck”, “bitch”, “nigga” and “blood claat”, and urged the crowd to wave their “motherfucking hands in the air”. Madonna said fucking too, as did the bloke out of Green Day.

Ofcom received 55 copmlaints, and decided that the BBC should have included a delay, given the known nature of the acts involved.

The same report lets off The Magic of Jesus (52 complaints), the xmas special which provoked the fury of “Bishop” Michael Reid of the CCTV. This was deemed “not in breach” as it was just a magic show.

Emmerdale was also exonerated. In January 2006, it showed two men kissing (126 complaints). This was “not in breach” because it was just two men kissing, for crying out loud.

8 Responses to “Ofcom censures BBC for Live 8”

  1. Andrew Nixon says:

    Funniest thing in that is the end bit where they list the other programs that were not in breach.

    Five people complained about Television X due to it’s sexual content.

    Why on earth would someone watch a porn channel and the complain about it being porn?

  2. Stuart says:

    What is ‘blood claat’?

  3. Olly says:

    A magic show is alright because it’s a magic show. Two men kissing is alright because it’s a kiss. But swearing isn’t alright even though it’s a simple word. Instead of the BBC having to implement a delay when they knew the nature of the acts, couldn’t people have turned over knowing the nature of the acts as well? That way those of us who aren’t sad enough to take the time to complain because someone said “fuck” don’t have to have what we’re watching censored.

  4. […] MediaWatchWatch has taken a look at Ofcom’s latest Broadcast Bulletin and discovered that the BBC were in breach for screening the Live8 concerts in July. We received 55 complaints about swearing (“fuck”, “motherfucker”, “bitch”, “shit”) and offensive language (such as “nigga” and “blood claats” – an offensive slang term for a woman) used by some musicians during their appearances and performances. Complainants specifically mentioned Madonna, Razorlight, Green Day and Snoop Dogg. A number of these viewers were watching with their children and were surprised that the BBC had not used a delay system to prevent such language being broadcast in the early evening. […]

  5. martyn says:

    What is ‘blood claat’? Reminds me of an old traffic copper who had pulled over a young black driver for defective lights. The young driver called him a “babylon raasclaat”. When giving evidence in court, the old copper said that the defendent had called him a “baby lion rusty cat”!

  6. martyn says:

    What is ‘blood claat’? Reminds me of an old traffic copper who had pulled over a young black driver for defective lights. The young driver called him a “babylon raasclaat”. When giving evidence in court, the old copper said that the defendent had called him a “baby lion rusty cat”!

  7. martyn says:

    Don’t know what happened there, but it only happened the once!!!