MOL “high”

If the Religious Policeman was still maintaining his Muslim Offence Level, reaction to the Pope’s recent lecture would have caused him to upgrade it from “Guarded” (“We are quite offended, because people are generally picking on us”) to “High”:

Meaning – We are extremely offended by a particular individual or country
Non-Muslim response – That individual or country must apologize

What the head of an organisation responsible for the Crusades, the Inquisition, and several million preventable AIDS deaths thinks he is doing by contrasting Christianity’s “reasonable” God with the more violence-prone and “above reason” Muslim version of the same is anyone’s guess. But it’s fun to watch the followers and leaders of these two great, mutually-blaspheming, religions duke it out.

UPDATE: Our own MCB has also put its oar in, as expected. Mohammed Abdul Bari was his usual diplomatic self:

One would expect a religious leader such as the pope to act and speak with responsibility and repudiate the Byzantine emperor’s views in the interests of truth and harmonious relations between the followers of Islam and Catholicism.

We would hope that the pope will clarify his remarks without delay

“Or you’ll have to deal 2 billion Muslim terrorists,” he did not add, this time.

15 Responses to “MOL “high””

  1. martyn says:

    This could turn into Life of Brian meets Holy Grail, with any luck 😉

  2. Marc Draco says:

    Dozy buggers. He already clarified and qualified his remarks in the speech! 😉

    I’m no fan of the pope, but hey, he was quoting someone. These people just like taking offence: I think we should call it “Beyer syndrome”.

  3. martyn says:

    Beyer syndrome sounds quite good to me

  4. Marc Draco says:

    “Whitehouse Syndrome” might be better on 2nd thought. It was MW who started the bullshit train that Beyer rides on today. Anyone fancy writing a Wikipedia entry?

    This sort of “taking offence for the sake of it” is really getting out of control. If we name it, that might actually help put it to bed? I’m only thinking aloud, but from little acorns…

  5. Andy A says:

    And, of course, if things actually said and being quoted as such are not to be allowed, how long before history is rewritten to suit the Muzzie sensibilities?

  6. Paul says:

    Actually, as I understand it most of the speech was an attack of science and secularism. Where are the front page photos of secularists protesting, burning effigies, demanding apologies, etc?

  7. Andrew Nixon says:

    Muslims in the West Bank have firebombed two churches in Nablus. Problem was, the idiots firebombed an Anglican church and an Orthodox church, and not a Catholic church.

  8. Marc Draco says:

    See (7)- this is typical of “Whitehouse Syndrome”! Those affected take their angst out on the nearest target that appears to fit the bill, not necessarily the one that caused the perceived offence.

    I feel a wikipedia entry coming on.

  9. Hector says:

    A bit like the attacks on the home of a pediatrician when the News of the World whipped up some self-righteous ire about pedophiles?

    Incidentally I prefer your initial suggestion of “Beyer Syndrome” – I like the associated acronym.

  10. Marc Draco says:

    🙂 Yes – I see that now Hector! Beyer Syndrome should be linked to Whitehouse Syndrome.

    I also note (no doubt the monitor will add) that the Pope has actually apologised!

    “The Holy Father is very sorry that some passages of his speech may have sounded offensive to the sensibilities of Muslim believers ”

    Amazing what a few dudes with bombs can achieve. This is really getting out of hand: this reaction from the vatican (while predictable) is cowardly and stupid. It only lends credence their outdated ideas.

  11. […] As I’m sure you’re already aware, the Pope made a speech recently and some Muslims decided to get offended. […]

  12. martyn says:

    I was going to fart outside the house earlier, but a group of lasses wearing darth vader costumes were passing so I thought I’d better hold on to it in case it not only offended them but perhaps the entire empire!

  13. Marc Draco says:

    Hey Martyn: just as well, if the entire Empire Strikes Back, we’d have nowhere to hide from the niff!

  14. tom p says:

    This is fantastic – the Muslims and Catholics arguing over who’s the most reasonable and rational. It’s like two bald men fighting over a comb.

  15. Marc Draco says:

    I wish it was. These guys have bombs and guns.

    This is our (government’s) fault you know. They’ve kissed arse for too long and now when the “religious” spit their collective dummies out, they have nowhere to turn. The French have the right idea.