Danish party issues counter apology demand to Saudis
The demand by a Saudi law firm for printed apologies for the Motoons was clearly the last straw for the right-wing Danish People’s Party. They have now issued a counter-demand to Muslim countries (link to Googlish translation).
The party’s spokesman on social affairs believes they have a lot to apologise for:
There’s stoning, there’s flogging, there’s Sharia law. there are many of the problems we see in Denmark with some of the descendants and refugees we’ve taken in. And not just in Denmark, but also in other Western countries there’s massive integration problems and problems with crime.
And we can also go back to more historical things, where they performed ethnic cleansing in the name of Islam
He goes on to explain that he thinks it is ridiculous for Muslim countries to demand apologies for the Motoons:
Therefore we play the ball over to the other side of the court and say that they should get a grip on things in their own backyard before they begin to blame others for things and issues which basically are not very serious.
(Hat tip: Islam in Europe)
Good for the Danish People’s Party…If only, if only other political groups or even governments would follow suit! But, yes; that’s highly unlikely sadly…
We should seize on this opportunity: Not only because they need the rest of the world to stand behind them, but because this is the best chance to stem the tide of “politically-correct” pandering to these utterly bizarre world views.