Wilders trial set for January

Dutch politician Geert Wilders is due to appear in an Amsterdam court in January on charges of discrimination and inciting hatred. His anti-immigration movie Fitna, plus articles and letters in the Dutch press where he compared the Koran to Mein Kampf and called for it to be banned, are cited by prosecutors.

Wilders has said that he wants to put Islam on trial, and is thinking about bringing some interesting witnesses for his defence:

That is why I am considering calling on radical imams and other idiots as witnesses.

Will he bring Abu Bakri from Lebanon? He was quite impressed by Fitna, saying “it could be a film by the Mujahideen.”

It will be an interesting trial.

3 Responses to “Wilders trial set for January”

  1. […] about movie as of September 16, 2009 Wilders trial set for January – mediawatchwatch.org.uk 09/16/2009 Dutch politician Geert Wilders is due to appear in an […]

  2. […] Mediawatchwatch.org.uk – Wilders trial set for January […]

  3. I watched Fitna in its entirety, and would disagree with it being labeled an “anti-immigration” movie.