Xians, Jews, Muslims unite against Madonna

Madonna’s latest show, mentioned here before, has united religious leaders in Rome (BBC link). Reacting to her mock-crucifixion, which forms part of an appeal to her audience to donate to Aids charities, Father Manfredo Leone said it was:

disrespectful, in bad taste and provocative […] Being raised on a cross with a crown of thorns like a modern Christ is absurd. Doing it in the cradle of Christianity comes close to blasphemy

Mario Scialoja, head of Italy’s Muslim League, told Reuters:

I think her idea is in the worst taste and she’d do better to go home

Riccardo Pacifici, a spokesman for the Roman Jewish community, opined that Madonna should have pulled the routine, as she was performing so close to the Vatican.

It is not known if Manfredo, Mario, and Riccardo are fully paid-up member of the multi-faith Alliance of the Religiously Self-righteous and Excessively Sensitive. But they should be.

(Thanks to Andrew)

UPDATE (16 Aug): German prosecutors will monitor Madonna’s Dusseldorf show to decide whether or not it is “insulting to religious beliefs”.

UPDATE: (18 Aug) Dutch Christians are moaning too.

5 Responses to “Xians, Jews, Muslims unite against Madonna”

  1. Remember in 1991 or thereabouts when there was a similar controversy over her simulating masturbation in her live show? They used the same “cradle of Christianity” excuse back then, too.

    There’s probably a joke in here about how, fifteen years on, it’s the other side who are wanking on about nothing, but I’m hung over, so someone else can do it.

  2. Stuart says:

    I’d prefer to say that any baby that spends 15 years in a cradle is a bit slow!
    Isn’t it nice, too, to see three major faiths lining up together to beat up on somebody else instead of trying to bomb, gas or generally wipe each other out as they have been for centuries. There’s progress for you!
    On a more serious note – whatever you make of her show, Madge is trying to get funds for AIDS charities. Ain’t it a hoot that the three religions leaning on governments to stop funding of any AIDS projects that encourage use of condoms are taking a pop at someone trying to make up the deficit in funds because she has the cheek to do it too close to one of the main culprit’s gaff?

  3. Jonathan says:

    It’s strange isn’t it that the Christians, Jews and Muslims who are at each other’s throats in the world, the result being wars and carnage, can get together and be united by a pop singer having from a cross? Pathetic.

  4. Jonathan says:

    It’s strange isn’t it that the Christians, Jews and Muslims who are at each other’s throats in the world, the result being wars and carnage, can get together and be united by a pop singer hanging from a cross? Pathetic.

  5. sconzey says:

    Conclusion: Pop Music unites the world. Albeit in hatred.

    Therefore, the UN should give money to Madonna, for doing more to foster world peace and cooperation between religions than they ever did…
