Archive for August, 2010

Arab European League convicted for Holocaust toon

In a reversal of a decision made by a Dutch court in June, an appeals court fined the Arab European League 2,500 Euros for causing “unnecessary offense” with this Holocaust denying cartoon.

The cartoon was published online by the AEL in an effort to deliberately provoke a prosecution which would prove that

Freedom of expression is only a pretext to make life bitter for Muslims… and if [they] try to bring this hypocrisy to light, that right is denied them.

Abdoulmouthalib Bouzerda, the leader of the AEL, must be happy that he has finally been vindicated.

Westergaard to release autobio in November

Beleaguered Danish Motoonist Kurt Westergaard, the one who created the now-iconic “Turbomb” portrait of Mohammed, is to release his autobiography in November.

Early news reports wrongly stated that the controversial cartoon was to adorn the cover of the self-published book, but the publisher was swift to issue a public correction. The front page is illustrated with Westergaard’s ‘farewell” to the Jyllands-Posten (he retired earlier this year).

The Turbomb will appear in the inner pages, however.