The website of a bunch of demented Catholics has been shut down by BT after complaints by a group of MPs, who claimed it was anti-semitic.
A look at (catchy strapline “Combating the antichristic conspiracy of the Khazar ‘Jew’ supremacists in honour of the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Seat of Divine Wisdom.”) via the WaybackMachine confirms that it is indeed amazingly anti-semitic – but in such an extreme fashion that it is more likely to provoke gales of laughter, rather than hatred.

Under a photo of the Turin Shroud is their mission statement:
Most Sacred Head of Jesus, Temple of Divine Wisdom and Providence against Error, preserve us from those who conspire against Thee. Mercifully deliver the bullying antichrist Jews from their delusions, and save their poor souls from the dread fires of eternal Hell.
The first article on the Wayback-preserved site is entitled “Various Nations Will be Annihlated”, and begins
So spoke Our Lady of Fatima in 1917, warning us of the many temporal punishments that would ensue should the ecclesiastical hierarchy spurn Her heavenly requests. Ninety years have now passed. Our blind, apostate hierarchy considers the Message of Fatima even more irrelevant to this century than they did to the last. As a consequence, all the nations of Christian Europe, long since internally corrupted by Ashkenazi-Jew supremacism (via its gentile arm Freemasonry), are now set for extinction. Nations formed by Divine Providence over hundreds of years will formally fall to these Judeo-Mongols from Khazaria and their satanic federal Europe. Since these nations have rejected Christendom, Heaven will now give them over to Satandom.
About 50 killjoy MPs, led by John Mann (Lab), sought to deprive the public of this goon-show quality source of biscuit-munching comedy by tabling the following Early Day Motion:
That this House notes the vile and anti-Semitic nature of the website; notes that it is run by a known fascist and seeks to inspire hate against the Jewish community amongst others; understands that according to Nominet’s WHOIS service it is based in the United Kingdom through ISP provider Plusnet in contradiction with that organisation’s own hosting policies and remains available to be viewed by the world; calls on Plusnet to stop hosting the website content; and calls for the domain name to be revoked and believes that those who are writing, commissioning and uploading vile hate speech should face the full force of the law.
The loon in charge of the website is one Timothy Johnson from Sheffield, and he’s rather miffed. He believes the actions raise concerns about civil liberties and the free discussion of controversial and provocative subjects on the internet. Whatever your opinion of the dribbling cracker-necker’s religious convictions, you have to admit he has a point.
If MPs and ISPs think we need protecting from this kind of drivel, it won’t be long before the whole country is given over to Satandom.
(Hat tip: Pickled Politics)