Koh statue update

blessed1.jpgPendennis in The Observer brings amusing news about Terence Koh’s Jesus-with-a-penis statue we blogged about last month.

The Conservative Christian Fellowship have spoken out against the blasphemy:

We have an excellent history in this country of freedom of expression and thought. But we also have a Christian heritage which deserves some respect. A work like this needs to be treated with contempt. The artist was clearly just trying to shock and the people who should answer for it are the people who allowed it to happen. They should be treated with contempt.

Unfortunately, the owner of the statue, Anita Zabludowicz, is married to the 24th richest man in the country, who has donated £70,000 to the Conservative party. Surely they cannot accept the donation from someone they hold in such contempt?

One Response to “Koh statue update”

  1. marc says:

    “Surely they cannot accept the donation from someone they hold in such contempt?”

    Even if they didn’t – isn’t money the root of all evil anyway?