.xxx nixed

The Bush administration is blocking the creation of a .xxx top level domain name, even though ICANN approved the concept back in June.

The .xxx domain would force pornographers to abide by certain standards, and would make the filtering of unwanted material much easier. But moral campaigners do not like the idea of a “red-light district” on the internet, and the Department of Commerce has received nearly 6,000 letters and emails “expressing concern about the impact of pornography on families and children”.

The anti-.xxx campaign is spearheaded in the US by the Family Research Council (“Defending Family, Faith, and Freedom”):

Pornographers will be given even more opportunities to flood our homes, libraries and society with pornography through the .XXX domain.

(Thanks to Richard at drawing breath)

5 Responses to “.xxx nixed”

  1. Flotsam says:

    Maybe they want to use the space for the little known .rightwingreligioustwat top level domain.

    Joking aside, the reason they are objecting is it would be seen as some kind of backhanded support of porn. Obviously the porn will just disappear of its own accord if they block this new TLD. Twats.

  2. just curious says:

    Can America force sites in other countries to use the .xxx domain?

  3. Ian Charles says:

    Pornographers will be given even more opportunities to flood our homes, libraries and society with pornography through the .XXX domain.

    Yeah… That makes sense.

  4. Sam says:

    Is it me, or are they completely missing a trick there? Surely if they could have that one domain where all the dodgy stuff has to be under then they can regulate it better?

    It’s probably sacriledge to say this online, but maybe the internet does need to be regulated somehow. Not by the Bush administration, however.

  5. Shaun Hollingworth says:

    Internet Providers elsewhere in the world, should join forces should copy the current ICANN domain name registry database, and simply host it somewhere else in the world.

    Regardless of what the Yanks would have one believe, I think it would be possible to wrest their control of the Internet (via ICANN) from their grip.

    For Europe, the topmost DNS entries for all internet lookups should be stored on an EU master database, and new domain additions simply imported from ICANN, and ones registered here and elsewhere, simply exported to them. The Americans could not then prevent the creation of new top level domains, if people wanted them, or control the internet by any other means.

    We would then be free to start our own .XXX domain without further interference from ayatollah Bush and his repressive band of religious cronies….

    It is just a matter of agreement between other ISPs around the world.