
If you need an antidote to Jack Straw’s craven vote-seeking platitudes (see below), Christopher Hitchens is your man:

There isn’t an inch to give, nothing to negotiate and no concessions to offer. Those of us who believe in enlightenment and free speech also have unalterable principles which we will not give up. We have to listen all the time to piratical-looking mullahs calling our Jewish friends pigs and demanding the censorship of The Satanic Verses and we find this fantastically insulting, but we don’t behave like babies. They are making a puerile spectacle of themselves.

We should say, how dare you behave in this way? They can put themselves under laws and taboos if they wish, but it is nothing to do with me or anybody else. They are completely out of order.

(Quoted from The Times)

9 Responses to “Hitchens”

  1. Reshma Radia says:

    I applaud the Danish Newspapers and the Cartoonists who drew the pictures… They
    were very amusing pictures and I see nothing wrong in them. I am a Hindu who was
    born in a Muslim country but I study in the U.K. The Muslims country I was born in
    is a civilised country, thank god, but there is no freedom of speech there…The
    bloody Muslims condemn the Hindus, Christians and Buddhists faiths there but nobody
    is allowed to mention their ‘precious Islam’ – and if mentioned then those people
    should fear for their life…..the majority of the non Muslims in the country of
    my birth place are very cautious about what they say, that’s why there most people don’t have any problems.

    However I agree with the person who say that Muslims are rapists and murderers.
    I am a rape victim and i was raped twice on two separate situations, by the same gang of people, only because in the first case they could not talk an Asian girl being friends with an English white boy, and secondly a year later, after the first rape i went through, friends of the previous guy came after me because it was known that I was a Muslim detesting Hindu. I have stalkers on the net and also in real life, all these idiots are Muslims. Everybody else in this world are sane, accept for those unfortunate people who were born mentally handicapped, however Muslims were born sane, but their religion has made them corrupt and insane. They are bloody arse-holes with maggot sized dicks and I wish for them all to burn in hell. Bloody muslims tried to ruin a life of a 15 year old and continued to follow me throughout my life…they want residence here so they think by marrying a local then they can. But they can’t go choosing and forcing people to like them. I can choose who I want as friends and who I don’t want. I don’t judge by colour or religion usually. But the acts of the muslims have made me turn against them. Police should keep checking in fast food joints such as Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Burger Kings and KFC’s in the UK, most of the Asians there are illegal, they have fake identities and fictatious names….why are they still allowed to work? Why aren’t they deported? They are also all muslims, a few have hindu and christian names but did you know they are really muslims who changed their names because they entered the country using other peoples passports and identities. Many boast about how they entered the country, holding the underside of large vehicles and crammed in crowded transportation. The British government needs to throw out the illegal people instead of taking in all these Asylum seekers, why give them money, why? What about your own English/ Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish old pensioners? What about them? They are your own people, and look at them, many of them get hardly any pension and are very poor and can’t afford much. And here you help the bastards who bomb your country!!! UK you need to think twice before you help another muslim. They are all the same, all for one and one for all. The Palestinian muslim who wrote in…he started off calmly, then he started praising islam slowly in the middle, and then he calmed down again…why? He’s just trying to show muslims are good people, so why defend mohammed….if you think that this is not a big issue, then why talk about it, just ignore it. I applaud the Danish, they did nothing wrong and just spoke and drew their views….The picture showing the virgins running out in heaven, that was a fab one….I’m not a virgin anymore because of my first rapist muslim, so I hate and condemn the whole muslim faith for life.
    I believe in Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Bhuddism and I acknowlegde the other newer religions too, however I scorn the muslim faith….and I promote the eating of pork, or if you don’t like it, then please eat non halal food. Oh by the way muslims….don’t think I’m getting on with my life and forgiving you guys … I have been feeding numerous muslims with haram (non halal) meat…and all of you love it….even during cultural events in a number of the inter university events…the meat you think is lamb and beef….well hehehe, lets just say it’s not 😉

  2. Andrew says:

    Fyi I don’t think the Times piece is by Hitchens – his column’s here.

  3. Marc Draco says:

    Hear hear. At last someone in the British press who isn’t afraid of these insolent bullies. Pity the government (or shadow cabinet) don’t seem to have the same balls.

  4. wench says:

    It seems to me that the riots directly violate what they attempt to protect. Isn’t rioting and killing over an image the most blatant symptom of idolatry? If an image is too sacred to exist… that seems a form of worship, and a violation of the strictures that the upset moslems are attempt to enforce.

  5. Andrew says:

    gah, my previous comment makes no sense. Sorry about that, this is why I shouldn’t write anything at 1 in the morning 🙂

  6. David says:

    Hurrah for Hitchens! These baby-killing, teen-raping masked thugs who pose with their Kalashnikovs pretending to be men make anybody in America (except for Klan members and some extreme fundamentalist Christians) look like arguments for race theory. And indeed, their behavior will only result in a couple of things: extreme, violent, anti-muslim (and by default, anti-arab) racism on Euroamerican soil first, in the middle east second) violently expressed, and increasing disregard for Islam as a respected world religion among all thinking peoples.

    This would be a pity. I know many fine Muslims who contribute to American society and to my own personal life, and I’m sure that is equally true for folks who live in Great Britain.

  7. Rana Balsheh says:

    Reshma Radia..As an American girl who lived in the middle east for a while specifically in the United Arab Emirates(Dubai), surrounded by more hindu indians than muslim arabs, you should really be the last person talking about rape, even though one of the closest people in my life has a really bad memory of a hindu indian, we both have BRAINS, and do not stereotype the 1 billion indians around the world just like you’re doing right now!!

  8. Bea says:

    Somebody asked me what I thought of racism and I think Reshma’s comments are classic exapmle. Sad and pathetic.

  9. Brian Westlake says:

    Nearly all the Australians I know want the Muslims to fuck off to their own countries. They know the life is better in Australia because of hard working Australians and want to take advantage of it. Then they want to come here and fuck up our country. They are gutless pricks who only fight in gangs.