Christian Voice mocked at EuroPride

The censorious bigots of Christian Voice are being challenged wherever they go nowadays. Last weekend’s EuroPride march was no exception when, for the first time, they were confronted by a small-but-perfectly-formed counter protest.

More pictures on Flickr.

5 Responses to “Christian Voice mocked at EuroPride”

  1. martyn says:

    I don’t think the mocking of christian voice should just be reserved for special events, remember mocking bigots is for life, not just for special events.

  2. Hector says:

    Would it be politically incorrect of me to say that that girl (I think) in the bikini has a nice arse?

  3. Andy A says:

    Would it be politically incorrect of me to say that that girl (I think) in the bikini has a nice arse?

    No more than it would be politically incorrect for me to make a similar comment, as a gay man, on a man’s arse or pecs or lunchbox or face. Away with political correctness! If you fancy a bit of totty, why not say so?

  4. BSE says:

    Hector, she would be the first to admit that she (and yes she is a she) has a nice arse… hence the bikini 🙂

    Martyn – too true! A friend had a run in with them at JS-TO in Brighton the other night and had fun winding them up he too managed to entertain the crowd whilst getting them.

    I am very pleased with the way our little protest turned out in the end. Although there were only 4 of us doing it we did manage to stop the march in front of them and the crowd reached between 100 – 200 people before the stewards moved us on and told us to “Take the crowd with us” Next year we shall be there bigger, better and with a few more bells on…

  5. Marc Draco says:

    My bisexual (girl) friend often makes comments on my lunch… and my gay fiends make cracks about my crack too.

    Doesn’t worry me in a least. They are entitled to hold an opinion (and hey, I think it’s nice to be fancied by someone).