Red Bull pulls “blasphemous” ad
The Freethinker picks up on an amusing censorship story in which a single Catholic priest succeeded in getting Red Bull to withdraw this TV ad:
Father Marco Damanti, from Sicily, branded the commercial a “blasphemous act”:
The image of the sacred family has been represented in a sacrilegious way. Whatever the ironic intentions of Red Bull, the advert pokes fun at the nativity, and at Christian sensitivity.
One suspects that Red Bull, who sent the sensitive padre a prompt reply promising to remove the ad, are rather pleased with the result of their campaign. Father Damanti got them in to Reuters!
They never learn. I make a point of avoiding as many adverts as I can – it’s the banned ones that I end up watching.
In the same way I was never interested in Phillip Pulman’s work but now I’m intrigued as to what all the fuss is about.
They should make a special flavour – Red papal Bull.
It tastes horrid anyway.