Imam of Dibley spiked by ITV lawyers

The Times reports that ITV’s latest comedy star, Katy Brand, is angry at the decision by ITV lawyers to veto a sketch called The Imam of Dibley, deeming it “culturally insensitive”.

Katy Brand’s Big Ass Show will not contain the theology graduate’s Vicar of Dibley spoof, premised on a new imam arriving in a sleepy parish and the misunderstandings that ensue.

Says Katy,

The vast majority of Muslims are able to have a laugh at themselves just like everyone else.

Why should they be excluded from comedy? It’s funny that ITV had no problem with a new sketch about a pregnant Jesus’s girlfriend who has to deal with dating the Son of God

A very good question – especially when you consider that Jesus is also a Muslim “prophet”, and that to suggest God had a son is highly blasphemous in Islam. Why didn’t they ban this too?

One Response to “Imam of Dibley spiked by ITV lawyers”

  1. Alfster says:

    It may simply be that the ITV lawyers have a sense if humour and have watched the Katy Brand show and realisd it’s shite.