Wilders to be sent back to Holland
The BBC reports that Wilders was turned away by Immigration at Heathrow.
The BBC reports that Wilders was turned away by Immigration at Heathrow.
MediaWatchWatch was set up in January 2005 in reaction to the religious campaign against the BBC's broadcasting of Jerry Springer: the Opera.
We keep an eye on those groups and individuals who, in order to protect their beliefs from offence, seek to limit freedom of expression. And we make fun of them.
If you have any information, email The Monitor.
An absolute joke all he done was make a film about what Muslims have done for us lately. http://wikileaks.org/wiki/Fitna_anti-islam_movie_by_Geert_Wilders
Wilders is a tosser – but this is shameful appeasement of the worst possible kind.
A pity he didn’t go so far as to illustrate exactly how Wilders – an elected official from an EEA state – constitutes, “a threat to public policy, public security or public health.” If he did he might just have realised that in banning him the British government is aptly proving his point.
GOOD! Sensible people in this country don’t want people like him here.
Define “sensible” IanC.
Predictable, but useful nonetheless. With this disgraceful act, we’re more likely to have a dialogue over what Fitna really shows.
I hear Jacqui Smith has been for her first burkha fitting today. Ahmed is vaguely rumoured to have said it is a step in the right direction as so much flesh being shown is offensive to Muslims and he could not be responsible for what might happen if the UK government did not stop this offense against Islam in the UK and make all women wear them…this is after all a free country where Muslims can’t be offended what-so-ever.
I call APPEASER on Jacqui Smith.
The islamists are out-and-out nazis, anyway.
PLEASE NOTE: “islamists”, NOT “muslims”