Christian Voice deprives cancer charity of 10 3 grand

Stephen Green’s growing reputation as a harmless idiot took a blow today when it was revealed in The Independent on Sunday that he had put pressure on a cancer charity not to accept £10,000 of “tainted” money.

The Scotland-based Maggie’s Centres were offered the sum by the producers of Jerry Springer: The Opera. However, a phone call from Green led the charity to fear a Christian boycott of its fundraising activities if it accepted the donation.

Stephen Green said:

We did have a chat with the people at Maggie’s but the decision to pull out was theirs alone. All I did was explain that if they carried on they would cause offence to Christians, who are known for being generous, and they would probably do far better to forgo the few thousand pounds they would get out of the performance.

It is offensive and you do have very, very many people with terminal cancer who draw comfort from their Christian faith – to know that the money was coming from a production like this just wouldn’t be right. I applaud the charity for the way they have recognised this with sensitivity and feeling. By refusing to accept this tainted money, Maggie’s Centres have set an example of ethical behaviour which is rare in Britain today.

So, no so much a harmless idiot. More of an evil, self-regarding, hypocritical twat.

Ironically, protest donations to Maggie’s Centres from outraged secularists and Christians alike may well exceed the £10,000 offered, further encouraging Green to believe that he is truly doing the Lord’s Work. Good grief.

UPDATE: According to the Scotsman a Maggie’s Centres spokewoman has accused Chistian Voice of exploiting the issue to gain publicity.

Naaah. Surely not.

UPDATE: The sum turned out to be £3000 – the proceeds from the charity performance.

7 Responses to “Christian Voice deprives cancer charity of 10 3 grand”

  1. […] slightly differently. We are a Christian organisation. They don’t do violence. Just blackmail. Monitor @ 2:08 pm […]

  2. […] tching them watching them. 16/Sep/2005 Not-very-Christian Voice Charity-blackmailing, theatre-threatening bibliolater, Stephen Green of Christian Voice, hasn’t bee […]

  3. […] You guessed it. It was the Christian jihad group Christian Voice, led by the charity-blackmailing Stephen “Tiny Fringe” Green, who did the persuading. […]

  4. […] MediaWatchWatch has identifed the “tiny fringe Christian group” as being Stephen Green’s charity-blackmailing Christian Voice and has helpfully linked to the customer feedaback pages for both Woolworths and Sainsburys so you can let them know what you think of their deciding what sell you on the basis of a tiny bunch of self-appointed censors. Posted by Paul in UK (December 4, 2005 at 5:08 pm) […]

  5. […] Stephen “Dog Shit” Green, the national director of the fundamentalist Bible-believing organisation Christian Voice (just search for “bigots” on Google), has all-but claimed responsibility for England’s Test victory over Pakistan. […]

  6. […] campaign led by Stephen Green, is a group with a rather sordid history of resorting to threats and blackmail in pursuit of their aims. One of these aims was Green’s campaign to ban Jerry Springer: The […]

  7. […] one to turn down the opportunity of a column inch or two, the near-bankrupt charity blackmailer was happy to oblige: Barbie has always been on the tarty side and this is taking it too […]